Finding what works to keep you motivated and on target with fitness is difficult at best. Some people have this intrinsic desire to do and want better and they do it. That is not me. I wanted the results, but my lack of confidence has always been my downfall. I would try, but at the first signs of fatigue, or pain or anything else I would fall short. I had no clue that a simple act of hooking up with someone else could be the key for me. I ended up with four ladies that became my buddies, but in the beginning I really didn't even know them. Maybe the fact that they were not my best friend helped drive me, I don't know, but it worked.
Each week, three times usually, we would meet with the same goal ... just to finish the workout. Maybe it was this not knowing each other that worked out great in the beginning because underneath I think we were probably driven to either beat each other or not let the other know we were weak wimps. Either way it has been the thread that has held us together through the years and now we have this wonderful relationship. When you start out at the bottom of the pit with each other and you claw and scrape your way up you somehow bond. Crazier things have happened I am sure, but the end result has been awesome.
We have cried together and celebrated together. We have lost probably 70 pounds together, completed races, improved our running times, and even won a few medals/trophies here and there. It's amazing now how well we know each others weaknesses and strengths. The relationship that we have formed has been the driving force in keeping us motivated and three years later and still going strong. We have different goals sometimes and sometimes they are the same. We will complete our first marathon together, our goal times will be different, but the end result for us will be the accomplishment of completing it. Training together, making sure we stay on track, not letting another get away with not training is an unspoken rule. We hold each other accountable with out saying it knowing that we can't let ourselves down, but we can't let each other down.
The Buddy System has worked for us like nothing else. It has motivated me to stay committed to myself and to my group. We need each other, without this relationship, I believe I would fall. So I encourage you to try the buddy system Find someone looking to get healthier and exercise just like you, it doesn't have to be your best friend, but you never know what type of relationship might form .. try it.
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