So it has been over a year since I last posted on fitwarriors. I have missed it and decided to pick back up and give it a whirl again. So... where am I one year later with my fitness? Well I have continued to run and will be completing my first marathon in October... The Marine Corp Marathon in Washington D.C. so I am in about my 6th week of training and so far so good. I am over a year into Crossfit and love it! I am about to compete in my first crossfit competition "Garagae Games" in July. It is an unbelievanble core strength and body conditioning program that is spreading across the world. Crossfit is amazing how it changes the way you look and feel. I continue to work on eating habits... this is the hardest for me. I am working on "Paleo Nutrition" to help with my running performance. I have to say it has improved and I feel better when I don't have the high carbohydrates in my diet. I think there is something too it.
On another level, it is a very difficult time, my grandmother is not doing well and time is short, as her liver is shutting down. My son will be a senior next year in high school and we are looking at colleges and trying to make decisions for his future. I pray that God will continue to guide us as we make the best decisions for him. Laura and Ashley, my BFFs, are still right beside me going through this thing called life. I will be 43 in six days and life seems to be moving very rapidly. Somewhere in my future I am thinking I would like to do a half ironman, after my son graduates and is off at college (maybe then I will have some time to train).
My pastor has asked me to start a walk/run group for some of the people in church looking to improve their health so if that s what I need to do then I will. Life is busy, but never too busy to make sure I take care of me and my health. Until next time....
Oh, I will get a current picture up of me and the girls soon:)
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