Thursday, June 14, 2012

Soluble vs. Insoluble fiber

OK .... I must admit, I really didn't know the difference between the types of solubles. The fact is I just don't think about fiber much. So I decided to read up on fiber and this is what I found out. There are two types of fiber: Soluble and Insoluble.
         Soluble Fiber
               1. Dissolves in water
               2. Slows down digestion and emptying of the stomach
               3. Makes you feel full- helps with weight control because you feel full
               4. Helps stabilize blood sugar levels
               5. Examples: apples oranges, pears, strawberries, nuts, flax seed, blueberries, cucumber, celery
                        Grains and beans too, but  i don't eat these on the PALEO Diet:)
        Insoluble Fiber
               1. Does not dissolve in water
               2. Considered a gut healthy fiber
               3. Has a natural laxative effect; prevents constipation
               4. passes through system quickly and speeds up passage of food and waste through gut
               5. Found in whole vegetables too
               6. Examples: seeds, nuts broccoli, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, green beans, dark leafy vegetables,
                      raisins, grapes

Suggested intake for women: 25 grams per day
Suggested intake for men- 35 grams per day

Basically, you don't need to be worried about whether or not you are getting soluble or insoluble fiber.... you just need fiber. A good combination of fruits and vegetables will take care of both. On average a person takes in 15 grams of fiber a day and as you can see this is not enough based on the suggested recommendation. When you start consuming more fiber it = more gas in intestines...  until the body acclimates to the intake and then this settles down. More fiber means you also need to take in more water too. Fiber is a big part of the paleo diet so I think I am good... how about you?

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