Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Faces of Motivation

As I entered the Crossfit gym, a sign was posted on the door “Motivated People Only.” I have not noticed it really before or maybe I did but I just didn’t pay attention.

I came back out and I read it, I mean actually read it and this is what it says upon closer inspection:

Motivation by definition is the driving force that initiates or directs behavior; the reason or reasons one has for acting in a particular way.

What stands out to me about the definition is “driving force.” What is the driving force that pushes a person to do more or be more? I can’t answer that with words, but I can show you what it looks like. I can show you motivation at 100% just like the sign says and when you see it you will know exactly what I am talking about. It's in this Crossfit gym that you see the "driving force."
 It's the grit that comes from somewhere deep within Travis.
 Its when Ashley's whole body is pushing for her to make it.

 It's Trent doing it when there is nothing but pain and guts left.

 It's doing more than Kelly believes she can do.

 It's Bonnie fighting back and not letting it beat her.

 It's deep concentration that makes JJ overcome.

It's Ashley doing what no one else has been able to do before her.
It's Eddie giving everything he's got to get one more.

That's the "driving force"..... Me standing by these people is the driving force that motivates me to do one more, to go just a little bit harder, to suck it up when it hurts... this is what drives  and motivates me. It's looking out across the parking lot and seeing Jesse all alone and doing it when no one is watching.
Who are you when no one is watching? Are you motivated to give it your best? The sign says there are no second chances so give it your all today.....100%..... nothing less will do.

These people are motivation at its best. I believe motivation is about a state of mind, not our physical condition. Our state of mind drives our actions, good or bad. I have a quote posted on my blog by George Elliott that says " It's never too late to be what you might have been." I realize now at the age of 41 after watching these people day in and day out that I can be at the age of 41 what I believe I can be, what I am motivated to be... it's my state of mind. It's that intrinsic motivation that "driving force" that determines my destiny. I control it.

At the end of the day, did you cross the finish line giving it everything you had?

The sign says... can you look in the mirror and say you gave it your best?

When its over, its the best feeling in the world to know that you gave 100%. It's laying in the floor with nothing left to give but a smile and to say " Yes, I gave it my all today!"

Until next time, JJ says...."Peace Out!"

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