Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ode to Ms. Nellie

Today I was saddened by the death of Ms. Nellie. She is my stepfather's mother. While death is something we never like to think about, it is a reality for everyone. I am certain that you are thinking what does this have to do with health and fitness. My answer is nothing and  yet everything.

She was 90 years old just shy of turning 91 in February. Healthy? Up until this last month, I would say she lived a full and vivacious life, three husbands she outlived. A character one must meet to understand that you were standing in the presence of a true lady. The kind of lady that wore high heels to garden in with her finest jewelery and never a hair out of place. Dressed at all times to dine with the Queen herself. You just might see her drinking a mint julep underneath the shade tree on a hot July afternoon in her big brim staw hat.The kind of lady that was delicate as the petals of a rose, but tougher than nails underneath her charming smile. She spoke of an era long past without speaking a word, but when she spoke what an intricate story she would weave drawing you in and taking you to places that seemed distant, but yet so close.

You didn't ask her what she thought unless you really wanted the truth. She didn't mix words and she spoke with an authority that would send most men cowering with their tails tucked. There was something about Ms. Nellie that brought a smile to your face. Only she could wear those ruby red slippers like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and look classy. She was graceful, beautiful, and strong... confident and aluring. The kind of lady you write a book about. So many stories went untold....she will be greatly missed.

She battled breast cancer and beat it, out lived three husbands, lived through the depression, raised three children, ran a home, overcame strokes, proved doctors wrong more than once and left her mark on her family and the world. 91 years old.... Blessed to have been so healthy that the majority of her time on this earth was spent keeping the rest of us in line and on task.

How is this related to being healthy you might ask. I say the way I choose to live today will affect the the way I will live tomorrow. I want to live strong like Ms. Nellie to make my mark on this world and know that I have made the right choices. What a life, what a loss, what great sorrow we feel at the loss of such a great lady.... Ms. Nellie

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